About PrecisionStone™ Inlays
“Hardwood and stone: until now – an impossible marriage, yet there is little doubt they had always been made for each other”
Seclay manufactures marble and granite PrecisionStone™ Inlays a striking, yet elegantly refined enhancement to fine furnishings, architectural components and decorative hardware. Sheathed in an epoxy armor on all but the exposed surface, our stone inlays are shipped to customers worldwide for insertion in hardwoods, metals, and virtually any other interior or exterior surface or material.
Seclay is also your source for an ever broadening array of stone-inlaid products and premium building fixtures and supplies such as flooring,molding, cabinet doors and pulls, solid surfacing, even automobile dashboards and door panels.
“Equally suited to the woodworking enthusiast as to the custom craftsman or furniture manufacturer, essential to the leading edge designer”
In developing our patented inlays, we focused on resiliency, versatility and above all, on ensuring that our customers’ installations as as much a testimony to the seamless beauty of PrecisionStone™>PrecisionStone™ Inlays as those performed at our facility. Even the most intricate inlay projects require no specialized training to perform using inexpensive hand tools. We view this as essential to the success of our company and its products and we are committed to providing assistance and support wherever and whenever the need arises. Contact us directly for more information.
“The ultimate enhancement for the exquisitely crafted”
The limitless variety of potential venues is exceeded only by the infinite spectrum of colors, textures, grains and patterns found in natural stone. The 100 plus examples you’ll find on the Inlay Selection page – represent just a few are not intended as a catalogue. The stones are frequently specified or provided by the customer particularly when a perfect match to an existing floor, fireplace or countertop is desired. So make sure you ask your fabricator for the remnants from the slab you purchased…
…and extend the beauty of your new marble countertop to your floors, cabinetry and molding — with matching inlays cut from the very same slab. We even offer a line of aluminum drawer pulls designed to accept the stone inlay of your choice. There is no end to the possibilities. We thrive on your ideas so let us know what you have in mind.
Seclay manufactures inlays as narrow as 1/8 of an inch and up to 5 feet in length. What truly defies comparison, however and in fact what accounts for their flawless fit is their incredible dimensional accuracy. The height and most importantly the width varies no more than plus or minus 1/1000 of an inch over the entire length of every inlay we make. You may very well wonder why, but in fact 5/1000 of an inch (the thickness of a piece of paper) one way will render an improper fit and possibly a gap between the stone and the wood, while 5/1000 of an inch the other way will prevent installation altogether. We’ve got it down to within a hair (2/1000 of an inch) literally!
The ends of our inlays can be square, mitered, or bull-nosed. In addition we are currently refining a product that incorporates solid sheets of stone that are so thin they allow the passage of light — mimicing or as we’re sure you’ll agree, exceeding the beauty of stained glass! Imagine the extraordinary visual impact of an entryway door featuring translucent crystalline granite lights.
How is it possible?
Seclay’s PrecisionStone™ manufacturing process is patented as are the inlays themselves and provides our inlays with the following critical design features:
- A slightly wedge-shaped profile. This allows for a press fit during installation and for the groove that will receive the inlay to be cut slightly deeper leaving room for adhesive. The sloped sides of the inlay also enable the adhesive to flow up between the sides of the groove and the inlay as it’s pressed into place. This guarantees that the wood and the inlay will never separate as a result of temperature and humidity fluctuations. If you have any doubt here’s some additional proof – If you were to simply pour epoxy into the groove without inserting the inlay, the width of the groove couldn’t possibly change, right? …so the adhesive in the sketch is a solid mass from one side of the groove to the other. The groove can’t move!
- The narrower wedge-shaped profile of the marble or granite itself. The trapezoid-within-a- trapezoid look of our inlays reveals how the bottom and sides of the stone are set in epoxy. When the inlay is installed the epoxy armor is entirely beneath the surface and completely invisible, as the following images illustrate:
stone inlay set in cherry wood
The Perfect Fit Made Easy – an epoxy armor surrounds the stone on all sides but the exposed visible surface…. …the wedge-shaped profile of the inlay provides for the press fit……and leaves room for adhesive to flow completely around the inlay and bond it to the wood on all three adjoining surfaces.
Every installation is one-of-a-kind, each one an unparallelled statement of beauty elegance and refinement
In addition to providing on-site assistance, Seclay has developed and continually works to improve specialized tools and techniques to simplify PrecisionStone™ Inlay installations. Look for us announce the release of an inlay miter jig in 2014.
Please feel free to contact us for technical assistance or to answer any question you may have pertaining to our products.